Our beautiful girl coco
has had her 2nd litter There are 5 fantastic puppies.
The puppies were self-whelped without the need for medical assistance.
Both parents have wonderful temperaments.
Mother is our loved family dog who we’ve had since 8 weeks old and has such a calm and great temperament coco is a full breed miniature dachshund, father is a miniature dachshund also which he is a blue Merle carrier, both are pra clear also health checked.
The puppies are being brought up in our family home so they are well socialised with 3
children under 6 years, as well as the usual sights and sounds of a busy home. Puppies will be vet checked, wormed and microchipped.
These beautiful pups will be ready to leave from 8 weeks on
Please bear in mind our beautiful fur babies will only be going to suitable 5***** family homes that we know they will be looked after
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Puppies & Dogs
from San Jose
9 September