Paul is a CKC registered male Pomeranian puppy for sale. He is white teacup puppy He is ready for pickup now. He will come with his shots and worming up to date and his shot and worming records, akc registration paper, a Health guarantee, and a puppy starter kit. Good with kids, friendly, very fluffy, loving, social, cute, adorable, sweet, and playful. He is raised in a clean loving environment with kids. The price for him is $750. Cash and Zelle. We provide financing . Taking a refundable deposit of $200 to hold the puppy. The deposit to reserve the puppy can be accepted . Shipping is available at $100 additional to the price of the puppy (that includes airport ticket, transportation to the airport, travel kennel, and a certificate of health from a vet). We are located in California Call or text at 4244195732
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